the name Jehovah or the four elementary forms
and the symbolics of the ancient sphinx of Thebes. Before you learn to read, dare to believe and avow that there is a hidden meaning in these writings in the sky. if the orderly arrangement reveals a wise will to you and if you still look on nature only as a machine which cannot do anything on its own initiative, if you doubt that there is an independent drive, shut your eyes and rest from the labours of your fourth day. Tomorrow we shall show you the marvels of autonomy.
The buzzing fly flits about
and settles where it pleases and the worm crawls along in damp places to suit itself. These creatures have something about them more surprising than the suns, for they are autonomous and do not move lilce wheels in some mechanism of fate. The fish is free and rejoices in the wave; it rises to find its food on the surface; but a noise alarms it and it escapes to the mud, lashing the water with its tail. The bird cleaves the air as it goes its way; it chooses the tree or wall where it will build its nest; then it perches and sings before looking for twigs and grass; it promotes the birth of its little ones. Does it thirk for itself or does something think for it? You are dubious about the intelligence of the worlds, are you doubtful about that of the birds? If the birds are free under an enslaved sky, whom does the sky obey if not the One who has given liberty to the birds? But the sky is no slave, it is subject to marvellous laws which you can understand and the suns obey with no need to understand them.
You have the intelligence of the heavens
and on that score you are greater than the heavens themselves. Are you the creator and governor of the worlds? No, it goes without saying that this Creator is someone other than you. but you are His confidant and in a certain sense His coadjutor. Do not deny your Master, that would be to deny yourself, child of Copernicus and Galileo. You can create with them the heavens of science; child of the unknown Creator, look at these myriad of universes which inhabit space and bow before the sovereign intelligence of your Father.
The star of intelligence, the
mistress of the powers, the five’ pointed star, the pentagram of the Qabalists and the microcosm of the Pychagoreans appears on the fifth day. You know by now that matter cannot possibly move unless directed by spirit and
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